
A person stands in front of a hedge.

Dr Ivan Cohen

Emeritus Professor in Finance and Economics

Research interests

  • Finance
  • Pensions and pension funds
  • Football club finance
  • Finance (corporate, investments, markets and institutions, derivatives)
  • Monetary and Macroeconomics
  • Health economics

  • ECN 7100 (MBA) Economics for Business
  • FNN 7102 (MBA) Financial Management
  • MGT 7500 (MBA) Dissertation/Research Methods
  • MGT 7550 (MBA) Extended Dissertation/Research Methods
  • MGT Senior Project
  • ECN Senior Project
  • FNN 6205 Quantitative Models in Finance
  • FNN 6400 Derivatives
  • FNN 6405 The Global Investor
  • FNN 6410 International Finance
  • FNN 6210 Financial Institutions and Markets
  • FNN 5200 Corporate Finance
  • ECN 5210 Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • ECN 4110 Introduction to Macroeconomics


  • FNN 6200 Money and Banking
  • FNN 5205 Principles of Investment
  • ECN 5400 Managerial Economics


  • (November)
  • Banking and the Economic Environment: Study Guide (3rd edition), ifs School of Finance, London
  • 鈥淎 simple framework for analysing the impact of economic growth on non-communicable diseases鈥 (with Fabrizio Ferretti and Bryan McIntosh). COGENT Economics & Finance 3(1)
  • 鈥淪ocial media and higher education: direct and indirect marketing鈥 (with Julie Salaber), Chapter 11 in Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing. IGI Global
  • 鈥淪ocial media and marketing: the evolution of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club鈥. Chapter 19 in Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing. IGI Global
  • Banking and the Economic Environment: Study Guide (2nd edition), ifs School of Finance, London


  • 鈥淒ecomposing the misery index: A dynamic approach鈥 (with Fabrizio Ferretti and Bryan McIntosh). COGENT Economics & Finance 2(1)
  • 鈥淪ocial Media for Developing Health Services鈥 (with M. Hajli, H. Bugshan, and X. Lin). Qualitative Market Research: an International Journal 17(4)
  • 鈥淚llusion or delusion? Lean management in the health sector鈥 (with Bryan McIntosh and Bruce Sheppy). International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 27(6)
  • 鈥淔ool鈥檚 Gold: Lean management鈥 (with Bryan McIntosh and Bruce Sheppy). Journal of Clinical Research & Governance, 3(1)


  • Banking and the Economic Environment: Study Guide, ifs School of Finance, London


  • 鈥淗eroes or villains: the PIP scandal and whistleblowing鈥 (with Bryan McIntosh and Bruce Sheppy). British Journal of Healthcare Management, July 18(6)
  • 鈥淔iscal and economic stability in the eurozone鈥 (with Bryan McIntosh and Marc-Anthony Richardson). January. Adam Smith Institute ()


  • Globalisation of Financial Markets (with K. Kyaw), ifs School of Finance, London


  • Focus on Financial Management. Imperial College Press (World Scientific Press) ()


  • 鈥淧ension Funds: Let the Shareholders have a Say鈥. Chapter 13 in Financial Markets: Emerging Scenario, edited by N. Janardhan Rao. The ICFAI University Press ()


  • 鈥淧ension Funds: Let the shareholders have a say鈥. The Analyst (magazine of the Chartered Institute of Financial Analysts of India), Special Edition (December) 9(12): 48-52


  • 鈥淎 Managerial-Based Model of the Investment Behaviour of the UK Pension Funds鈥. British Academy of Management 1994 Conference, and Papers and Proceedings


  • 鈥淩eading Difficulties 鈥 The Economists鈥 Paradigm鈥, Reading Psychology 7(1)


  • 鈥淢odelling the Investment Behaviour of the UK Pension Funds鈥. Managerial Finance 7(3)