
A person is wearing glasses.

Dr Giuseppe Telesca

Adjunct Associate Professor for Financial History


Giuseppe obtained his PhD in economic and social history at the University of Florence (Italy). He has written about the economic and urban impact of big sport events, the role of financial elites and the memory of financial crises. He is currently working on the use of the memory of the 1931 sterling abandonment of the gold standard in British politics.

  • PhD in economic and social history at the University of Florence (Italy)
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Introduction’, Youssef Cassis and Giuseppe Telesca (eds.), Financial Elites and European Banking: Historical Perspectives (Oxford, 2018), 1-16
  • Giuseppe Telesca and Youssef Cassis, ‘The Role of Financial Elites in the Shaping of Public Discourse: A Comparison between the Great Depression and the Great Recession’, Youssef Cassis and Giuseppe Telesca (eds.), Financial Elites and European Banking: Historical Perspectives (Oxford, 2018), 17-39
  • Giuseppe Telesca and Marco Bertilorenzi, ‘The Changing Ideas about Valuation Mechanisms in the Interwar Period. Toeplitz, Marlio and the Great Transformation’, Gregoire Mallard and Jérôme Sgard (eds.), Contractual Knowledge. One Hundred Years of Legal Experimentation in Global Markets (Cambridge, 2016), 249-285
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Un uomo solo al comando. Giuseppe Toeplitz e il problematico governo societario della Banca Commerciale Italiana negli anni Venti’, Franco Amatori and Andrea Colli (eds.), Imprenditorialità e sviluppo economico. Il caso italiano sec. XIII-XX (Milan, 2009), 816-839
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Italian Capitalism at Year Zero (1918-1920). The Difficulties of Mixed Banks and the Debate’, Archives of Italian Economic and Business History 2017, (Volume 1): 97-127
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Dealing with the Past and Planning the Future: the Urban Renewal of Rome and Barcelona through the Olympic Games’, European Review of History/Revue Européenne d Histoire 2014, (21:1): 19-36
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Crisi finanziarie, banche e giochi di potere in Italia. Analogie e differenze tra passato e presente’, Rivista di Storia Finanziaria 2011, (27:2): 7-38
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Sport, politica e affari. Le Olimpiadi di Roma del 1960’, Memoria e Ricerca 2007, (25:2): 153-169
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Tra Berruti e l’Immobiliare. Le Olimpiadi di Roma del 1960 e la trasformazione urbanistica di Roma’, Passato e Presente 2006, (67:1): 43-68
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘The race to the bottom’, Fabian Society Review, 19 July 2019 (online)
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Apprendisti stregoni’, Mondoperaio, August/September 2016, 35-38
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Un’occasione per la buona politica’, Mondoperaio, Feb 2015, 22-24
  • Giuseppe Telesca, ‘Abbiamo una Banca 2’, Mondoperaio, July/August 2013, 60-62